LaRC Contractors Steering Council Meeting – July 20, 2023

Join us for the next Contractor’s Steering Council (LCSC) meeting Thursday, July 20, at 2:00 pm. This month’s LCSC meeting will feature presentations from Reaves GovCon Group on organizational conflicts of interest and LaRC Strategic Partnerships Office, plus an Office of Procurement small business update. This meeting will be a great opportunity to meet and network with fellow members of the NASA LaRC contractor community.

This will be a hybrid meeting. The in-person location is NASA LaRC IESB, building 2102, room 116. Please use the link below to join the meeting online.

There will be no Contractor’s Steering Council meeting in August.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Welcome and Opening Comments
  • VASBA Update– Laura Blumberg
  • Small Business Update – Rob Betts
  • Secretary Update – Jenny Monokrousos
  • Office of Procurement Update – Teresa Hass, Acting Deputy Director of Procurement, Todd Pospisill, Director of Procurement (Detail)
  • Strategic Partnerships Office Update – Rosemary Baize, Director of SPO
  • LaRC Strategic Partnerships Office Update – Lena Little, Special Events Coordinator
  • Guest Speaker – Organizational Conflicts of Interest Part 2 – Paul Hawkins, Reaves GovCon Group
  • Special Topics and Look Ahead

LCSC Meeting Minutes by Jenny Monokrousos, July 20, 2023

LaRC Small Business Update Slides by Rob Betts, July 20, 2023

NASA LaRC Open House Slides by Lena Little, July 2023

NASA LaRC Time Keeping Guidance by Lena Little, July 2023

NASA LaRC Open House Public Facing Website

NASA LaRC Open House Virtual Tour

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