Update to COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors Regarding Guidance on Vaccination Testing, Attestation, and Quarantining

Susan McClain, Director of NASA LaRC’s Office of Procurement, requested that the following information, issued by Assistant Administrator for Procurement Karla Smith Jackson on August 24, 2022, be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated their guidance and recommendations for COVID-19 risk, prevention steps, post-exposure precautions, and actions to take when individuals are sick or test positive for the virus. To align with recently published CDC guidance, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force identified changes to COVID-19 safety protocols for Federal Agencies. Therefore, NASA is providing updated COVID-19 guidance regarding access to NASA buildings and facilities to onsite contractor employees, grant and cooperative agreement recipients, and other visitors. Specifically, the following policy changes are effective immediately:

  1. COVID-19 Vaccination. NASA will stop COVID-19 screening testing programs that differentiate among individuals based on their vaccination status, regardless of community levels.
    • Testing is no longer required for unbadged on-site contractor employees, on-site grant and cooperative agreement recipients, and other unvaccinated visitors coming on center. 
    • Testing will continue where it is required for operational reasons as determined by NASA.
  2. Vaccination Status. NASA will not require on-site contractor employees, on-site grant and cooperative agreement recipients, and other visitors to provide information about their COVID-19 vaccination status via the Certification of Vaccination form, regardless of community levels.
  3. Post-Exposure Precautions. NASA will no longer require individuals who are not up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations to quarantine after a COVID-19 exposure as long as they remain asymptomatic. However, individuals are required to follow CDC guidance on post-exposure precautions regardless of community levels.

The guidance above is separate and distinct from requirements of Executive Order 14042, Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors. As stated in previous guidance dated December 9, 2021, NASA continues to take no action to enforce NASA FAR deviation clause 52.223-99, Ensuring Adequate COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, in contracts or contract-like instruments implementing requirements of Executive Order 14042, absent further written notice from the agency.

Additional information about the coronavirus, including preventative best practices and lessons learned is being continuously updated. Contractor employees and grant and cooperative agreement recipients are responsible for monitoring local radio, television stations, and other communications channels for updates.

I appreciate your cooperation and continued commitment to safety and the NASA mission. Please direct any other questions concerning this letter to your cognizant NASA contracting officer or grant officer.


NASA LGBTQ+ Vendor Equity Forum on August 30, 2022

Susan McClain, Director of NASA LaRC’s Office of Procurement, requested that the following training opportunity be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

The NASA Office of Procurement will present its Inaugural LCBTQ+ Vendor Equity Forum on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.  Please join NASA’s Senior Program and Procurement Leaders to learn about the mission, major programs, and contracting opportunities that exist.

Attendees are asked to please register for this program on EventBrite. Questions about this event can be submitted to hq-op-deia@mail.nasa.gov.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Director Position Open for Applications through August 30

Clayton Tuner, Director of NASA Langley Research Center, requested that the following employment opportunity be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

The announcement for the next NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Director has been posted on USAJobs (see link below). Applications for this ES 00 employment opportunity are being accepted August 8 through August 30, 2022.


Please share with your professional network and encourage your colleagues and partners to apply. GSFC is NASA’s largest center and is home to the Nation’s largest organization of scientists and engineers who are helping advance earth science, enable space communication and navigation programs, address our climate challenges, and provide an independent lens to assess and validate our programs, among a few of the mission areas.

LaRC Contractors Steering Council Meeting – September 15, 2022

Join us for the next Contractor’s Steering Council (LCSC) meeting Thursday, September 15, at 2:00 pm. This month’s LCSC meeting will feature a guest speaker, an Office of Procurement update by Susan McClain, and an AIAA update by Richard White.

This will be a hybrid meeting. The in-person location is NASA LaRC Headquarters, building 2101, Room 205A. Please come hungry! Pizza lunch will be provided by AMA. Please use the link below to join the meeting online.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Welcome and Opening Comments
  • VASBA Update– Melissa Smith
  • AIAA Update– Richard White
  • LaRC Office of Procurement (OP) Update – Susan McClain
  • Return to Onsite Work (RTOW) Update – Susan McClain
  • Small Business Update (slides only) – Rob Betts
  • Partnerships Update – Kerry Leonard
  • Secretary Update – Jenny Monokrousos
  • NASA Source Evaluation Board (SEB) Process Identifying Discriminators – Rich Cannella
  • Special Topics and Look Ahead

LaRC Small Business Update Slides by Rob Betts, September 15, 2022

AIAA Corporate Sponsorships Slides by Richard White, September 15, 2022

VASBA 2022 Gala Information, September 15, 2022

NASA Source Evaluation Board Process Identifying Discriminators Slides by Rich Cannella, September 15, 2022

Future LCSC Meeting Schedule, by Jenny Monokrousos, September 15, 2022

LCSC Meeting Minutes by Jenny Monokrousos, September 15, 2022