Blackout Notice for LaRC RFP 80LARC22R0003 (RSES) Effective May 26, 2022

Susan McClain, Director of NASA LaRC’s Office of Procurement, requested that the following formal Blackout Notice be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

I am pleased to announce that LARC Office of Procurement (OP) issued the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Research, Science and Engineering Services (RSES) today, May 26, 2022. The resulting contract will provide specialized research, science, and engineering services across fifteen discipline areas.

At this point, we have entered the blackout period where all NASA civil servant employees must refrain from communicating (either formally or informally) with any prospective offerors regarding any aspects of this procurement. This does not preclude interactions with incumbent contractor personnel required in the normal conduct of business, e.g., interaction with contractors on TEAMS3, STARSS3, and the NIA. All inquiries should be referred to the Contracting Officer, Ryan Bradley, at or The solicitation and evaluation period will last for the next several months, and the blackout period will remain in effect until contractor selection is announced publicly. I have attached the formal Blackout Notice to this email.

Improper communication could jeopardize the integrity or successful completion of the RSES acquisition. Therefore, compliance with the above will ensure the dissemination of uniform responses to all inquiries and eliminate the possibility of preferential treatment of any prospective offerors.

My office will be communicating the blackout notice to all LaRC civil servants and the notice will be posted on Inside Langley. I want to ensure that the LaRC contractor community is aware that we have entered the blackout period.

RSES Attachment 4 Communications Blackout Notice 5/26/2022

LaRC Contractors Steering Council Meeting – May 19, 2022

Join us for the next Contractor’s Steering Council (LCSC) meeting Thursday, May 19, at 2:00 pm. This month’s LCSC meeting will feature a Sustainable National Flight Partnership (SNFP) presentation by Steve Velotas, an Office of Procurement update by Susan McClain, and a Call for Nominations for LCSC officers.

This will be a hybrid meeting. The in-person location is NASA LaRC IESB, building 2102, NACA Room. Please use the link below to join the meeting online.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Welcome and Opening Comments
  • VASBA Update– Laura Blumberg
  • LaRC Office of Procurement (OP) Update – Tim Cannella
  • Return to Onsite Work (RTOW) Update – Tim Cannella
  • Small Business Update (slides only) – Rob Betts
  • Partnerships Update – Kerry Leonard
  • LCSC Elections (Call for Nominations) – Nickie Wills
  • Sustainable National Flight Partnership (SNFP) – Steve Velotas
  • Special Topics and Look Ahead

LaRC Small Business Update Slides by Rob Betts, May 19, 2022

LCSC Meeting Minutes by Jenny Monokrousos, May 19, 2022