NASA Announces Winners Of 2010 George M. Low Award For Quality

Please join me in congratulating Analytical Mechanics Associates, or AMA Inc. of Hampton, Va. on winning the 2010 GEORGE M. LOW AWARD FOR QUALITY. AMA received the award in the Small Business Service category.

This award was well deserved. AMA has a long history with NASA and the Langley Research Center in meeting NASA/LaRC Center missions, and by providing excellent support to the Center’s Research & Development activities, the Hampton/Newport News Peninsula through economic growth and development, LaRC’s Contractors Steering Council and support to our NASA/LaRC Small Business Programs Office.

Also honored with the George M. Low Award For Quality this year is Jacobs Technology Inc. of Houston and ATK Aerospace Systems Group, of Salt Lake City.

Please join me in congratulating these three outstanding firms.  This award was well deserved by these companies and an extreme honor!

Contractors Steering Council Meeting – February 17

The next NASA Langley Contractors Steering Council meeting will be February 17 at 2:00 PM in the PYT.  Lang Nguyen, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors for Technology Hampton Roads (THR ), Duncan McIver, Marketing Committee Chair, and Jan Griffen, Membership Committee Chair will be presenting an overview of “New Initiatives”.  The overview of what THR is (including its ‘transformation’ in the past year from Hampton Roads Technology Council), what it does, and “Intel Supply – Plugging the Brain Drain.”  In addition, details regarding the incubator/relationship with NIA and a new initiative they have started called “Innovate for Profit” (IFP).