Financial Management for Small Businesses April 20, 2022

Rob Betts requested that the following learning opportunity be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

A sound financial plan is critical to the success and sustainability of a business. Please join the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) and special guests from the FDIC Money Smart financial education program on April 20, 2022, from 1:00 to 2:30 for an informative and engaging webinar to offer an overview of the 13-module program to help take your small business to the next level fiscally!

The webinar will also feature a guest speaker from the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), which is a national non-profit organization with members who provide free consultation services and advice to business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

If you have questions about this topic, email them in advance to Attendees are asked to please register for this program on EventBrite.

LaRC Contractors Steering Council Meeting – April 21, 2022

Join us for the virtual Langley Contractor’s Steering Council (LCSC) meeting Thursday, April 21, at 2:00 pm. This month’s LCSC meeting will feature an on-site safety presentation by Stan Smeltzer, Acting Director for Safety and Mission Assurance Office, and an Office of Procurement update by Susan McClain.

This will be a hybrid meeting. The in-person location is NASA LaRC IESB, building 2102, rooms 112 and 113. Please use the link below to join the meeting online.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Welcome and Opening Comments
  • VASBA Update– Jonathan Kelly
  • LaRC Office of Procurement (OP) Update – Susan McClain
  • Return to Onsite Work (RTOW) Safety Update – Stan Smeltzer
  • Small Business Update – Rob Betts
  • Partnerships Update – Kerry Leonard
  • George Mason University SBDC – Timm Johnson
  • Hampton University Science and Engineering Capabilities – Bill Moore
  • Special Topics and Look Ahead

Return to Onsite Work Safety Slides by Stan Smeltzer, April 21, 2022

LaRC Small Business Update Slides by Rob Betts, April 21, 2022

Partnerships Update Slides by Kerry Leonard, April 21, 2022

Mason SBDC Slides by Timm Johnson, April 21, 2022

Hampton University Capabilities Slides by Bill Moore, April 21, 2022

LCSC Meeting Minutes by Jenny Monokrousos, April 21, 2022

NASA LaRC Quarterly Technology Showcase May 11, 2022

Rob Betts requested that the following learning opportunity be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

The NASA LaRC Technology Showcase on May 11, 2022, from 2:00 to 3:00 is an opportunity for members of the public to learn about patented NASA technology and envision how their business might benefit from our world renowned research. Licensing a NASA technology can help your business grow and advance the commercialization of exciting new technologies. Join us for this quarterly event to learn more.

We will highlight 3 technologies applicable to uncrewed systems. Subject matter experts, inventors and commercialization specialists will be on-hand to answer questions and engage in discussions surrounding commercialization opportunities. Highlighted technologies will include:

  • Fixed Wing Angle eVTOL – This fixed wing VTOL design deflects thrust downward rather than tilt rotors 90° to reduce complexities, components and risks associated with conventional VTOL. Read more.
  • Location Corrections through Differential Networks System – The Location Correction through Differential Networks system utilizes networked stationary GPS bases to dramatically increase the accuracy on the GPS of mobile devices. This can increase reliable UAV navigation in traditionally challenging environments to enable advanced operations. Read more.
  • Multivariate Monitoring for Human Operator and Machine Teaming – Multivariate Monitoring for Human Operator Machine Teaming evaluates a human operator for signs of flight input reliability and relies on AI for gaps in reliable decision making. This technology increases operational safety while potentially lowering the requirements threshold for near autonomous flight and the degree of human operator dependency in UAM/UAS operations. Read more.

Attendees are asked to please register for this program on EventBrite.

Returning to On-Site Work Safety Briefing

Susan McClain, Director of NASA LaRC’s Office of Procurement, requested that the following Safety Briefing be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

As the number of people on center increases, we are seeing an increase in safety incidents and close calls.  LaRC’s Safety Office has prepared the attached Returning to On-Site Work Safety Briefing with great reminders.  Please share the presentation and continue to make safety a focus during your discussions with your employees.

Stan Smeltzer, the Acting Director for our Safety and Mission Assurance Office, will be visiting the Langley Contractor Steering Council at our April 21, 2022 to talk about on-site safety and the presentation is being added to the LCSC webpage. 

Returning to On-Site Work Safety Briefing Slides, April 5, 2022