Reverse Industry Day – January 19, 2023

Please join us on Thursday, January 19 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm for a Reverse Industry Day presented by the Langley Contractors Steering Council. This event will feature an afternoon of discussion focused on NASA Langley’s Procurement Formulation and Source Selection Process.

This Reverse Industry Day is what we hope to be the first of a series of exchanges between the contractor community and NASA contracting and selection officials to give NASA feedback so that they can better understand the industry perspective on the procurement processes and communications. Our first topic area will be focused on the Solicitation and Source Selection processes. 

Our format is going to be a moderated panel discussion, plus a moderated discussion including Q&A from the audience. We’ve assembled a panel of industry professionals with experience in responding to proposals through NASA’s solicitation process. The opening session will have each panel member share a 5-10 minute opening statement offering their observations, experiences, opinions, insights, and perspectives on the process. These statements and all discussion topics will be offered without attribution to any specific procurement results and will focus on responding to NASA’s presentation of the process, with a focus on education and training.

This special session is a great opportunity to meet and network with your fellow contractor community members while offering discussions focused on Procurement education and training. Light refreshments will be provided.

We have created a Q&A Portal to submit questions that can be presented to the Panel on Thursday. You can access the Q&A tool at, with the password IndustryDay119. A QR code for accessing this site is included below.

This will be a hybrid meeting. The in-person location is NASA LaRC IESB, building 2102, auditorium Reid 3. Please use the link below to join the meeting online.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Panel Discussion
  • Intermission
  • Group Discussion with Q&A

You are invited to a special Happy Hour from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm following the Reverse Industry Day event sponsored by the Tidewater Association of Service Contractors (TASC). Please RSVP for the Happy Hour using this link: This event is located at 1700 Brewing, 11838 Canon Blvd #400, Newport News, VA 23606.

Thanks to everyone who attended our first Reverse Industry Day! Below are a few photos from the event and the TASC-sponsored happy hour afterward.

NASA Dissecting the SBIR/STTR 2023 Phase I Solicitations Webinar January 17, 2023

Rob Betts requested that the following information be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

Are you thinking about submitting a proposal to the upcoming 2023 NASA SBIR/STTR Phase I solicitations? Be sure to join the NASA SBIR/STTR program team on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, from 2:00pm – 4:00pm ET for our Dissecting the SBIR/STTR 2023 Phase I Solicitations webinar.

This event will help prepare small businesses and research institutions—especially those new to NASA SBIR/STTR or those who have been unsuccessful in previous submissions—to put together a strong Phase I proposal. Presenters will explain the organization and structure of the solicitation documents, highlight best practices and common pitfalls, and walk through the Submissions Electronic Handbook (EHB).

You can submit questions for the Q&A portion of this program using this Google Docs form.

Please consider inviting your friends and colleagues in the industry. This event is free and open to the public, and pre-registration is not required.

Key 2023 SBIR/STTR Program dates:

  • January 10th | NASA SBIR/STTR Phase I solicitations go live and submissions open
  • January 17th | Dissecting the 2023 Phase I Solicitations webinar
  • March 13th | NASA SBIR/STTR Phase I submissions close
  • June 5th | Selections announced (date subject to change)

The 2023 NASA SBIR/STTR Phase I solicitations are scheduled to be released on January 10, 2023. Once live, they will be posted at