The NASA Small Business Advocates Awards Program recognizes outstanding efforts in developing and implementing innovative practices in support of the Agency’s small business program. Sponsored by the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), this annual awards program acknowledges the contributions made by NASA civil servant personnel throughout the Agency. NASA OSBP has recognized the following LaRC employees for their efforts in supporting the agency’s small business program:
Ms. Fran Risinger, of the Office of Chief Information Officer, was honored as the FY13 Small Business Technical Person of the Year for her work as a Contracts Manager in the OCIO, and for her efforts in developing the procurement strategy and her support of the new small business contractor selected for the Langley Administrative, Media and Professional Services (LAMPS).
Ms. Monica Ross-Clunis, Deputy Director for Institutional Services in the Center Operations Directorate was honored as the FY12 Program Person of the Year for her efforts partnering with the Office of Procurement to advance small business goals. Ms. Ross-Clunis worked closely with OP to identify additional small business and Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZones), .resulting in well over $7M in awards to these small businesses.
Mr. Randy Manning, LaRC Small Business Specialist, was honored as the FY12 Small Business Specialist of the Year for his efforts leading LaRC to a record setting year with a 54.4% of available dollars awarded to small businesses, the highest rate since record keeping began in 1990. As the Small Business Specialist, Mr. Manning works closely with the contractor and the LaRC technical community to identify requirements for small business sources. Mr. Manning also serves on the LaRC Contractor Steering Council as well as the Virginia Aerospace Business Association.