Center Director Transitions LaRC to Response Framework Stage 4

Tim Cannella requested that the following guidance from NASA LaRC Center Director Clayton Turner be shared with LaRC Contractors Steering Council members.

Dear Langley Team,

NASA leadership continues to make the health and safety of the NASA Langley family a top priority. Due to the rising number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the local area, and to comply with all local and federal guidelines, NASA Langley is moving into Stage 4 of our agency coronavirus response framework effective at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 8. This effort has been put in place to help slow the transmission of COVID-19 and protect employees and the community.

Mandatory telework is in effect for ALL personnel until further notice, with the exception of limited personnel required to maintain the safety and security of the center. All previously approved exceptions for onsite work are rescinded and new approvals will be required in order to gain access to the center.

The center will be closed for all operations. NASA employees and contractor teams will complete an orderly shutdown that ensures all activities are in safe condition until work can resume. Once this is complete, the only personnel allowed onsite will be limited to those needed to protect life and critical infrastructure.

The suspension of travel continues. The status of the center will be updated regularly and communicated to all employees. Please stay in close contact with your supervisor.
For all other NASA Langley tenants and employees, access to the facility will be restricted to personnel required to protect life and critical infrastructure only, as defined in NASA’s response framework.

Contractors: Since each contract is unique, contractor employees should seek guidance from their employing company supervisor.

Students: Interns and other research or fellowship students should contact their NASA Langley Education Program point of contact for guidance as needed.

Many resources are available including NASA People,, and LaRC SOS. And again, I urge you to stay in contact with your supervisor.

We are all in this together – please continue to take care of yourself and your families. Your health and the health of those around you are of the utmost importance.

Clayton Turner
Director, Langley Research Center

NASA Response Framework (Rev. 3/16/2020)

President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America: 15 Days to Slow the Spread

NASA People Website Coronavirus Information Page

LaRC SOS Website Coronavirus Information and Center Status Page

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