LCSC Call for Contractor Chair nominations

The Langley Contractor Steering Council is making a call for nominations for the Contractor Chair position.  Per the LCSC by-laws, “nominations, including self-nomination, shall be solicited before the June meeting and publicized to the then-current Voting Members.” The call for nominations will close on Thursday, 3 June.

The Chairperson is the principal officer of the Council and presides at all Council meetings, including special meetings of the membership as deemed necessary. The Chairperson supervises and leads all business of the Council, and conducts official correspondence, extends invitations to guests, signs any documents as authorized, appoints or terminates special committees, task forces, and working groups, serves as ex-officio member of all standing committees, keep the officers and Council fully apprised of matters concerning the Council, and performs all duties usually associated with the office.

Per the LCSC by-laws, “election of officers shall be by secret ballot vote of the Voting Member companies, with one vote allowed per company.” The election will start on June 4 and run through June 15. The election results will be announced at the June 17 LCSC meeting.

Please consider nominating or self nominating for the LCSC Contractor Chair position. Click here to access the LCSC Contractor Chair nomination form.